Lifestyle / Wellbeing

Living Differently in 2023: Tips and Inspiration for a Better Life

With the new year underway, many of us reflect on our lives and make resolutions.

This year, I have decided to embrace the theme of ‘living differently’ in all aspects of my life – work, play, and everything in between.

Whether breaking away from habits and patterns that no longer serve me or embracing new experiences and perspectives, I am committed to making changes that will bring me closer to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

What does living differently mean?

Living differently means approaching life with a new mindset and making intentional changes to improve one’s overall well-being and happiness. It means breaking away from habits and patterns that may no longer serve you and embracing new experiences and perspectives.

Living differently to me means prioritizing self-care and personal growth, nurturing meaningful relationships, and pursuing my passions and goals. It’s about making a conscious effort to live a life that is fulfilling, purposeful, and aligned with my core needs and values.

Why choose to start living differently?

People choose to start living differently for many reasons, including:

  1. To reduce stress and increase fulfilment.
  2. To form healthier habits and relationships.
  3. To pursue personal growth and self-discovery.
  4. To live a life aligned with their values and goals.
  5. To find meaning and purpose.
  6. To create a positive impact on others and the world.

I crawled to the end of 2022, ending the year in a heap.

Feeling overwhelmed, I sought professional advice, and in October, I learned I was severely burnout and had been living with undiagnosed and untreated ADHD for 45 years and sensory overload.

The anxiety I had been dealing with for years because of untreated ADHD.

The ‘sudden’ onslaught of symptoms and burnout. Common for undiagnosed women in their 40s who are also experiencing hormonal changes.

Also common around big life changes. i.e. me leaving my job to work full time for myself in July.

And as I lay around recovering from the flu over December and January, I realised that even though I had changed my life considerably over the years, worked with great clients, and was fairly happy, I had still been pushing myself too hard, people-pleasing and prioritising work. This included making sure I reserved enough energy for work, as someone who had lived with ‘fatigue’ for many years, and deprioritising everything else, including time with friends and joy.

The steps I am taking to create a better future for myself

It’s a longer story than that; however, over the Christmas and New Year period, my entire worldview changed, and thanks to a few weeks off (and the flu), I took the time to think and then make a promise to myself to do things differently moving forward – in life, work and play.

This includes:

  • Signing up with an executive coach
  • Focusing on injecting more joy into my life daily
  • Restructuring my exercise routine – I’ve realised my dog, and I don’t need much exercise…
  • Refining my business systems and adding more structure to my workdays (even though I love the flexibility of freelancing, this girl needs a bit of structure!)
  • Learning about ADHD, sensory processing and how my brain works (because it’s an amazing brain!)
  • Trying new hobbies
  • Scheduling regular date nights with my husband (hubby and I recently went to a pottery date night!)
  • Trying different things like pottery making, going to a cricket match with a mate, and jumping on a plane to meet up with colleagues and friends in Adelaide
  • Embracing my neurodivergent self – a work in progress 🙂
  • Eating less sugar
  • Honouring my time. Set work days and hours mean I respect my downtime, which allows me to recover from burnout gently and focus on all of the above.

And do you know what?

I’m excited, feel positive, and look forward to the rest of the year.

I made a vase!

Ideas to inspire you to live differently in life, work and play

Here are some ideas for how you can achieve this in each aspect of your life:

Living differently in life:

  • Prioritize self-care and well-being.
  • Simplify your possessions and declutter your living space.
  • Make time for new experiences and personal growth.
  • Form new relationships and expand your social circle.

Living differently in work:

  • Set work-life balance as a priority.
  • Challenge yourself to learn new skills and take on new responsibilities.
  • Network with others in your industry.
  • Find ways to make your work more meaningful and purposeful.

Living differently in play:

  • Try new hobbies and activities.
  • Travel to new places.
  • Spend time in nature and disconnect from technology.
  • Spend quality time with friends and family.

The key is to keep an open mind and embrace change and new experiences. However, change can bring challenges and obstacles, so it is important to be patient and persistent in your efforts.

Will 2023 be the year you live differently?

In 2023, I challenge you to embrace the theme of “living differently” and change your life.

Whether trying a new hobby, forming new relationships, or adopting a new perspective, step outside your comfort zone and take the first step towards a more fulfilling life.

Change can be scary, but it is also exciting and holds the potential for incredible personal growth. So be bold, be courageous, and start living differently today. The only thing standing between you and the life you want is the willingness to make a change.

What are you waiting for?

Take the leap and start living the life you truly deserve.

Good luck!

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