Lifestyle / Wellbeing

7 Ways to Find Joy in Your Life Daily


In a world where technology takes over our lives, it’s important to make time for yourself and find joy in the little things. Here are some easy ways you can do just that!

Work, mortgages, bills, cooking, cleaning, and adulting. Sometimes, they can suck the joy out of life.

It doesn’t have to be that way, however.

If you form good habits and let go of the things that aren’t serving you, you will find more joy in life.

The key is to develop healthy, positive habits.

Having the right habits and good strategies for dealing with stress will help you to make empowering choices more often in your life, choices that lead to a more easeful and happy life.

If you’re looking for ways to find daily joy and feel better, brighter, and lighter, these seven tips are just for you.

Easy Ways To Find Joy In Your Daily Life

Listen To Your Body

Our bodies know what is best for us.

These messages are coming at you from your brain, muscles, stomach and every other part of your body. Your job is to listen to those messages.

So, start to tune into your body and listen.

If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll know what you should do at the moment and what is best for you right now.

Create A Mantra – Just For You

Joy is around you all the time, it can just be hard to see sometimes.

Having a little mantra you can repeat to yourself about the things you’re grateful for or that make you happy will allow you to see joy at any time.

Like Dory said to herself repeatedly: just keep swimming!

Enjoy Your Food

Too often, we’re so focused on being healthy and losing weight that we forget to eat for the sheer pleasure of it.

There are so many scrumptious dishes from around the world to explore. Research recipes and try them. Support your local restaurant and head out for a yummy meal! Invite friends over and have a potluck. Roll up your sleeves and cook with your partner.

Yes, there are such things as ‘sometimes’ foods; however, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of chocolate now and then.

So here is your permission to enjoy your food.

Nourishing yourself in a way that helps you blossom in the direction you want to go is attainable, and you are worth the effort.

Deborah Day

Let Go of Emotions That Don’t Serve You

Toxic thoughts and bad relationships can suck the joy right out of you.

If possible, walk away from the situation causing this problem in your life. Even if you can’t get rid of the cause of this toxicity (for example, a family member or a job you don’t like), you can control how you react.

Choose not to dwell on it and make a conscious decision not to let it impact your life.

Keep Moving

To stay happy and healthy, you need to keep active.

Find any excuse to incorporate movement into your days:

  • Leave your desk and get your blood pumping at lunchtime instead of sitting at your desk.
  • Stretch often.
  • Do an activity you find joyful. It could be gardening, swimming, hitting the gym, yoga, or dancing. Find your joy zone!
  • Take your meetings outside. Walking meetings have many benefits, giving you a change of scenery, fresh air and exercise. They can also be incredibly productive!

Find Ways To Relieve Stress Daily

Discover what works for you and learn to let go of your stress daily:

  • Make time for fun daily!
  • Talk to your friends, family, colleagues, or even a professional. There is no shame in talking about what is stressing you out – getting it out of your head and making more sense of things.
  • Have me-time – daily.
  • Limit your coffee consumption – an over-reliance on caffeine is more of a hindrance than a help in the long run, so limit it!
  • Luxuriate in your daily routine of hot showers, cleansing and moisturizing, washing, blow drying and brushing your hair, etc.
  • Book in for a massage – regularly!
  • Remove emails from your phone. It’s so liberating!
  • Disconnect and spend more time focussing on life and, well, you!
  • Identify how many hours of sleep you function best on and design your sleep and life to fit. That includes practising good sleep hygiene; sticking to a standard ‘bedtime’, and unplugging two hours before sleep.
  • Remember to breathe.

Here are 40 ideas more ideas to help you decrease your stress levels.

Laugh Without Inhibition

Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths. 

Etty Hillesum

Laughter is the best medicine.

Being able to laugh can help you to overcome even the most insurmountable odds. Learn to let yourself laugh freely without worrying about what you look or sound like or getting wrinkles from laughing too much

After all, laugh lines are a sign of a happy life!

What can you do to start living more joyfully? Starting small is sometimes the best step!

I’d love to hear how you go!