I’ve always loved journaling.
However, bearing your heart and soul in a journal can be hard, especially if you are stuck or suffering from writer’s block.
Or, as I do, procrastinate a lot.
It’s even harder when the words are whirling around in your head, and you don’t know where to start.
This is why I’ve compiled a list of 23 insightful self-reflection journal prompts. I hope you find them helpful !
23 Insightful Journal Prompts Perfect for Self-Reflection
1. Write a list of ten things you are grateful for today.
2. What makes YOU unique?
3. If you could run away, where would you go and why? Furthermore, would you take anyone with you or go by yourself?
4. Reflect on one of the greatest life lessons you’ve ever learned. What was it, and what did you learn?
5. How have you changed from the person you were five years ago?
6. Write a letter to your teenage self.
7. Reflect on the happiest moment of your life. Explore where you were, what you did, and who you shared it with. Reflect on every detail.
8. Write about your day or week so far. Did something good or bad happen? Are you feeling happy or sad? Did you learn or do something new?
9. Let your mind run free, and have fun writing your bucket list!
10. What is your most treasured possession and why?
11. List your priorities for the week, month or year. Are these aligned with what you want to be doing in life?
12. Share one of your innermost secrets, something you’ve never told anyone.
13. What can you do or change in your life to focus more on your health and well-being? Be honest.
14. List the people in your life who genuinely believe in and support you. Explore why their support means so much to you.
15. Choose three photos of yourself across your lifetime and write about where you were, what you were doing, what you were like then, etc.
16. Who means the world to you and why? What traits of theirs do you value?
17. Write a letter to your body telling it how you feel? This could be a love letter or letter of apology if you have been critical of your body in the past, like me.
18. How would you like to be remembered? You could try writing your obituary.
19. What challenges have you overcome in your life? How have they made you stronger?
20. Write the story of your family. You could explore your ancestral line, growing up with your family; if you’ve gone on to have your own family, tell that story
21. If you could change one thing, what would it be and why? Or perhaps you wouldn’t change a thing. Why?
22. What makes you feel at peace?
23. How does journaling help you?
Read below for useful tips to help you hone your self-refective journaling routine.
Journaling tips
There are so many styles of journaling, as well as tools, tips and resources.
In the end, it’s about what works for you. It’s like they say, different strokes for different folks!
Invest in a beautiful journal.
Investigate different types of journals, and invest in a style or journal that sings to you the most.
Aside from the traditional journal, you could keep a reading journal, a dream journal, a gratitude journal, a photo journal, an art journal, or even a bullet journal.
If the mood strikes you, mix it up!
Get visual, colourful, and creative.
Splash out and buy yourself a pretty or inspiring journal or notebook filled with nice paper. You can even have more than one to suit different journaling styles.
Choose a good pen
Are you a ballpoint, gel or ink kind of person?
Do you prefer something smooth? A thin line or something with a bit of oomph to it?
What colours resonate with you?
Invest in a pen – or pens. A pen that sits nicely in your hand and moves over the paper smoothly. Your choice of pen will make the writing process so much more enjoyable.
Need inspiration?
Check out the 17 best pens for writing, according to the pros.
Keep your journal close.
Keep your journal by your bedside so you can write in it first thing in the morning or before sleep.
If you wake in the middle of the night and need to write something down, such as a dream or idea, it will be easily within reach. You can even take your journal wherever you go.
Don’t think. Just write.
The best way to make a start is to do just that.
Make a start!
Start small.
There’s no need to write war and peace (unless you feel inclined to).
And if you get stuck for something to write, write about your plans or wishes for the year, revisit the day that passed, or write a gratitude list! Or try streams of consciousness, where you write!
That’s it.
No thinking, no editing. just let your thoughts flow, and your hand move over the paper, writing whatever comes to mind!
Oh, and ditch perfection.
It’s your journal.
Write what you want in it without a care in the world about spelling or grammar.
And remember, there is no right or wrong way to write.
Be honest, be raw, be authentic and go with the flow.
Remove distractions.
Step away from your phone, laptop, or TV… lap up the peace, quiet, and lack of distractions that will allow you to focus on your writing.
In need of some more writing prompts and tips?
Check out these articles:
- 105 Writing Prompts to Guide You in Self-Reflection and Self-Discovery
- Here’s How to Use Expressive Writing for Depression
- Virginia Woolf on the Creative Benefits of Keeping a Diary