People say, “a change is as good as a holiday,” but how do you know when it is time for a change?
Are you in a rush to leave the office every day?
Would you prefer to be anywhere else than where you are right now?
Are you feeling lost, bored and numbed out on booze, food, or something else?
If you answered YES to any of the above, it’s probably time for a change – to do something different, be it a new haircut, relationship, hobby, job or career!
And if you’re falling back on excuses like ‘I’m too old’ or ‘I can’t do anything else’, we need to talk! Firstly, you are never too old, and seriously, you can do anything you set your mind to.
Most of us believe the excuses we tell ourselves; however, it’s important to challenge that thinking because the excuses we make, the stories we tell ourselves, take on a life of their own and start running our lives for us – rather than the other way around!
Change is scary. But so is remaining in a funk.
Every life change begins with a decision and taking a single [baby] step in a new direction.
It’s as simple as that (albeit making the decision can be bloody hard!).
If you focus your mindset on creating a NEW reality, a reality where YOU are in charge, change will begin to happen.
Here’s an exercise I’ve put together to help you start figuring things out. Now, it may make you feel slightly uncomfortable but promise me you will do your best to answer the questions as honestly as possible!
Before you start, grab a gorgeous notebook (A3 size is great!) or some paper and some fabulous pens in lots of glorious colours – this will make the process much more enjoyable!
Questions to help identify if it is time for a change
Why do you feel the way you do?
- Has work become your life leaving little time for anything else?
- Is the daily commute killing you (too long, too busy, too draining)?
- Do you like and respect your boss?
- Is the place you work sucking your will to live?
- Are the people you work with aren’t your kind of people?
- Do you have a lengthy to-do list you cannot get to the bottom of?
- Are you bored with [work/life]?
- Is your ‘job’ is dissatisfying / tedious / stressful / other?
- Do you feel as if you don’t have a purpose?
- Something else?
Now ask yourself:
- What is going well for you at the moment?
- What have you done to try to improve things? Can you change or improve anything in your current situation?
- Do you need a holiday?
- What do you enjoy?
- What is missing?
- Can you ask for help?
- Are you doing what you love? Are you doing what you are good at but not in love with?
And lastly:
- List 5 things you could do to move forward one step.
- If money wasn’t an option, what would you do?
- What do you see yourself doing if you had all the time in the world?
- With 50% more confidence, what would you be doing?
- What would you do if you didn’t have to answer to anyone?
- How would you write the next chapter in your story if you could?
By now, you should have more clarity and some ideas on how to make some changes in your life.
And if you don’t, that’s okay.
Hopefully, this exercise has helped you to flesh out how you are feeling and why which is a big step in the right direction!