
Real Self-care Isn’t Easy BUT It’s Important!


I write a lot about self-care. I also talk about it a lot. AND I preach about it… maybe too much.

I also try to practice what I preach. I really do! However I’m here to tell you that self-care isn’t easy.

Not the writing, talking and preaching. That’s the EASY part. It’s the DOING!

I mean, self-care is part of my ‘arsenal’. It’s been integral to my recovery, it’s pretty critical in my day-to-day life – it’s important to how I LIVE.

And oh how I LOVE scented candles and incense, hot showers, massages and all things hygge. As I write this, I’m drinking a glass of wine and have a beautiful $29 scented candle burning accompanied by 2 lamps (switched on) as my husband cooks me dinner after a long day at work (he’s currently unemployed and I’m the main income earner).

But looking after yourself ‘aint all pretty!

Okay, sometimes self-care is beautiful smelling candles, face masks, manicures and your fave [insert fave thing here]. And at other times it’s green smoothies and meal prep and hitting the gym.

But sometimes self-care involves sitting on the couch under a big blanket crying as you binge on one of the latest series on Netflix as you hoover a block of chocolate!

And sometimes, it’s about making sure you see your psychologist / councillor regularly.

Other times, it means saying NO to things you’d love to do but … after listening to your mind and body know aren’t good for you at the time.

And sometimes self-care is just getting through the days, hour by hour or even minute by minute.

Self-care isn’t easy, and do you know what? That’s totally okay.


Sometimes self-care is just getting through the days, hour by hour or even minute by minute.