
What I Achieved in 2018 (and Am Most Proud Of)

the word YEAH in pink writing with confetti

I don’t spend a lot of time reflecting on my achievements or what I am proud of. I’d rather champion others!

However, I thought it was about time I took some of my own advice. And so here I go as I sit back and reflect on my positives for 2018.

I started a new job

In February 2018, I started a new role as the Marketing Officer for Act-Belong-Commit, an evidence-based mental health promotion campaign.

This was the best news after being made redundant from my previous role in December 2017 (that crushed me!). Even more so because it was in mental health!

Sinking my teeth into the role, I’ve learnt a hell of a lot, got to work with a great team and wonderful people, and have been blessed with some amazing development opportunities (including speaking at my first conference and completing a short course in Health Promotion), and have been able to develop and implement a strong marketing strategy embracing all things digital. Initially a 6 month contract, I’ve now been extended until June 2019, which is great news.

I’m looking forward to 2019 and the things we have planned!

My mentees took on the world!

One of my favourite things is to nurture and develop others.

In 2018 I was blessed to continue working with Nick from Autistic Nick, who has now become a dear friend. I was also fortunate to start working with Jenny from Wren to Build, supporting her in starting her blog on how she has rebuilt her life after a major life-changing event. Jenny has also become an amazing friend.

Nick and Jenny did so many amazing things in 2018 – both big and small. I can’t wait to see what 2019 has in store for them!

Do check out their blogs!

My business took off!

In between being made redundant and securing a new job, I turned my focus to my business and got serious!

So much so that in 2018 I welcomed new clients, said goodbye to others I didn’t gel with and secured a steady income stream.

As more referrals came my way, I found myself in the blessed position to say yes or no to business, instead of desperately saying yes to everything. This ensured that 2018 was spent doing work I loved with organisations who were aligned to my values and with people who loved what they did – and it was joyful!

Most notably, the team from Kira Community Services and Mental Illness Fellowship of WA (MIFWA).

I started to change the way I live

In 2018 I continued to work on myself with the support of my psychologist.

As I slowly embraced meal prep, planning my outfits for the week, packing bags in advance, washing my hair on designated days, making my bed daily AND saying no to plans during my weekday evenings, a degree of maintainable structure set in across my life.

I then discovered and embraced Hygge, whereby comfort and contentment followed. [Pronounced “hoo-ga,” the Danish concept encompasses a feeling of cozy contentment and well-being through enjoying the simple things in life]. Of course, I now have a candle obsession. Which has led to an obsession with succulents (I use the gorgeous jars from my used-up candles to plant succulents!). However, our home is so much more cozy for it!

And finally, I started focussing on our home, with a focus on making it more eco-friendly and sustainable. If you haven’t already, I challenge you to focus on plastics as a starter. It was an eye-opener as I began collecting the soft plastics we used in our household. I’m now on a mission to reduce and reuse!

I became a Mental Health First Aider

In 2018 I completed the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) course through the Mental Illness Fellowship of WA.

I’d been wanting to do the MHFA course for a few years however never had the time, finances or opportunity. With space opening up in my life, I finally set aside two days to dedicate to the course.

On completing the course, I connected with some great people, learned more about mental health and mental illness, and was on my way to being an accredited Mental Health First Aider. Furthermore, I was better equipped to supporting others experiencing mental health problems or crisis, and was more confident in my role as Marketing Officer for a mental health promotion organisation.

I highly recommend that everyone complete this training. Seriously, if someone with 25 years of lived and learned experience with mental illness can learn more about mental health and mental illness, then we all can!

You can read my review of the course here.

I became an Aunty again

Admittedly, I had hardly any role to play in this as my sister did all the work, but boy am I proud as punch to be an Aunty again, this time round to a little boy named Hudson!

I competed in HBF Run for a Reason

Let me preface this by stating I have never nor will I ever run. Therefore the fact that I participated in the 2018 HBF Run for a Reason could be surprising to some – including myself!

But, my Mum and I signed up to Team Act-Belong-Commit, joining the team on a 4km brisk walk earlier in the year to raise money for youth mental health. And surprisingly, it was a lot of fun AND I received my first ever medal! I was even interviewed live by a DJ at the end of the event! We may even do it again this year…

I survived

My god, 2018 was a HARD year however I survived, and for that I am proud.

What were your achievements in 2018? What are you most proud of?