As women (and men), we grow up under a banner of scrutiny. Society tells us we are too fat, too freckly, too tall, too brown – you name it, we are too much of anything.
This scrutiny can push us to feel pressured to conform to a ‘version’ of beauty different from who we are.
And there’s nothing worse than being made to feel like you aren’t good enough.
Body Confidence in the Spotlight
Body confidence has come under the spotlight in the past few years.
No matter where you look online, there’s a whole bunch of judgment and shame placed on women’s bodies.
There’s body-shaming, slut-shaming, fat-shaming, food-shaming, and then there’s the cancel culture.
Women who celebrate their ‘larger’ bodies are called names for “promoting obesity” when they’re simply celebrating the body they are in and feeling good about the space they occupy in the world.
And women with thinner bodies are lauded as a healthy alternative, which isn’t always the case because health and thinness are different things.
With all the mixed messages out there, it’s near impossible to find any body confidence, as someone, somewhere is going to tell you that you’re wrong for the pride you feel within yourself. So what’s the point?
Well, I’ve got one thing to tell you:
The health of your body relies on the health of your mind.
Feeling Confident About Your Choices
What makes you feel confident about your body isn’t always going to match what makes others feel confident.
You can feel body confident and still want to lose weight. You can feel body confident and love your skin but still want to get some moles removed. Some women add hair extensions. And others choose to thicken up a thin upper lip to feel more feminine.
So, how can we feel happier and more confident about our bodies? And what can we do to feed your body with good thoughts?
Nurture Your Body – Inside and Out
Countless ‘experts’ will tell you that to be happy with your body, you need to lose weight. However, thinness doesn’t equal happiness.
It’s especially not the case if you’re always feeling hungry.
If you eat too few calories or punish your body by following the latest fad diet, you’re going to be miserable. This could also lead to other destructive habits such as binge eating and trying to starve yourself.
Instead, release the guilt and shame you feel around food by learning to nourish your body with food that makes your body AND mind happy. Choose delicious foods that make you feel energised, satiated, and happy, including a balance from ALL of the food groups.
Don’t Stress Over Body Hair
As we grow up, we’re told that body hair on women is ugly. We’re also taught that we should be ashamed of our body hair.
Let me tell you something; body hair has a purpose. Without body hair, our bodies find it difficult to regulate temperature.
The science side of it is one thing.
The other is that you have a choice.
If what makes you feel body confident is being slick as a seal and not sporting an inch of body hair beyond your eyebrows and scalp, you go, girl. And if you’re sick and tired of subjecting your body to waxing appointments and razor blades, that’s okay, too.

Love You for You
Body confidence begins when you learn to appreciate every inch of the skin you are in.
Learn to appreciate your body by realising that you are worth more than the weight on the scales.
And if vanity sizing means you are six different jeans sizes, that’s okay, as you don’t have to ‘conform’ to the version of beauty – or sizing – we’re sold on Instagram and in the movies.
Life is far too short to feel anything but fantastic! And the faster you embrace this, the faster you’ll realise that you are beautiful exactly the way you are.
So let go of the expectations and embrace your body for what it is. And if you CHOOSE to make any changes, do so to suit YOU and not the latest fad. You’ll bloom with confidence when you do.