The new year is here, and if you’re anything like me, you are doing your best to relax whilst also thinking about the year ahead.
What you will do, where you will be, and how you can make it your best year yet.
Part and parcel of planning your new year is also reflecting on things you can change, be it big or small. This could be reflecting on what went well in the previous year and doing more of that, or what didn’t go so well, learning from it and making some changes.
To help you start your new year the right way, here are 20 ways you can make lasting changes in the New Year and beyond!
- Set yourself a challenge for the year – big or small. Want to run a marathon, and then start training? Interested in learning a new language, then register for a course. Want to eat healthier? Start doing so one meal at a time.
- Kickstart your savings for the year by paying yourself first to a separate account dedicated purely to savings – even if it’s as little as $10 a fortnight, every dollar counts
- Develop a side hustle – you never know what it could lead to!
- Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary conducive to rest, relaxation and play
- Revamp your workspace. Clear the clutter, ditch the paper and add a photo or two to inspire you. You could even stick up your VISION BOARD for daily inspiration!
- Drink more water. If you struggle with this, invest in a nice sustainable water bottle and try adding a slice of lemon or some berries to your water to make drinking water more pleasurable
- Create a self-care ‘survival’ kit for the days you need some go-to TLC
- Lock in time to get on top of your life admin. Organise your bills, review your insurance plans, note important dates on your calendar, cancel unnecessary subscriptions – you get the picture
- Cut up your credit card
- Create a vision board for the year using Pinterest or an actual pin-up board. Fill it full of things to inspire you throughout the year
- Plan regular date nights with your partner. If you don’t have a partner, plan them with your besties!
- Make practising gratitude a soul-lifting daily habit
- Get clear on your priorities for the year. Health, family, work, travel, and study. What are they? Write them down and revisit your priorities regularly
- Reflect on how much time you spend on social media and the impact this has on your life and health
- Make a concerted effort to spend more time offline – it will be so good for you! Here are some tips to help you plan regular digital detoxes.
- Quit multitasking. Rather, focus on doing a few things well rather than spreading yourself thin
- Clear your schedule and make time for yourself often
- Go sober for a month and track how you go over the month. Track everything from your health impacts to the cost savings
- Get active your way. Find something you’re interested in rather than pushing yourself to do something that’s a chore. I used to be a gym junky. These days I prefer a yoga workout at home and taking my dog for a walk – it’s great for her and me
- Celebrate the small things in life often, be it taking a moment each day to appreciate the simple things in life such as a blue sky or an awesome cup of coffee, celebrating the small and big wins in your life somehow, or telling people you appreciate them.
What changes are you going to make in the new year and why? Drop me a comment below. I’d love to hear about your goals and plans!