
Here’s 52 Ideas to Inspire You to Revamp Your Life

I find the new year a great time to kick back, relax and reflect about the year that was and the year that will be.

Furthermore, I think new year’s is the perfect time to brainstorm ways to revamp your life, especially if you’ve had a crappy year and are keen to turn things around.

However, rather than making a New Year’s resolution or three you won’t keep, why not try something different?

Here are 52 ways to inspire you to take charge and revamp your life.

Don’t think of them as New Year’s resolutions.

Rather, think of the ideas below as steps to an overall lifestyle change, one where you are living according to your values and priorities, are happier and healthier, and are a whole let stressed!

  1. Create a vision board for the year. This could be Pinterest, using an actual pinup board, or on paper. Regardless of what you use to create your vision board, fill it with things that will guide and inspire you throughout the year, be it photos, pictures, quotes, ‘to do’s’ and more!
  2. Practice saying ‘no’. I mean, if it’s not a hell yes then it’s a hell no. Use this motto to guide every decision you make this year
  3. Book a holiday so you have something to look forward to!
  4. Embrace minimalism and declutter your living spaces – go on, be ruthless
  5. Research capsule wardrobes and develop your own. Capsule wardrobes work because they make sense and take the stress out of getting dressed every day!
  6. Hold a garage sale or haul your ‘good junk’ to a car-boot sale for a profit!
  7. Vow to live more consciously and sustainably by focussing on a particular area in your life per month or quarter. You could aim for something as simple as using less plastic, using eco-friendly cleaning products (or making your own) or not buying cheap clothes that don’t last and you don’t need!
  8. Go sober for a month – you choose the month. It will be good for you and your liver will love you for it!
  9. Make time for yourself, often – me-time is so good for the soul!
  10. Take up a new hobby, enrol in a course or take some lessons
  11. Get a new hairstyle. It’s amazing how much of a difference this can make!
  12. Drink more water, daily
  13. Write daily, weekly and even monthly to-do lists
  14. Turn your bedroom into a sanctuary conducive for rest, relaxation and even some play! Invest in new pillows and bed linen, give the walls a fresh lick of paint, aim to make your bed every morning, and minimise clutter by actually putting your clothes and shoes away out of sight!
  15. Practice gratitude daily
  16. Discover why the Dane’s are so happy and embrace hygge – you will thank me for it (although your partner or friends may start to question your addiction to candles. C’est la vie, I say!)
  17. Go vegetarian 1-2 days a week – good for you, good for the planet!
  18. Set yourself a tech curfew. Unplug no later than 7pm each evening or at a minimum 2 hours before you go to bed each night
  19. Start a budget – and live according to it
  20. If you keep forgetting to do something, schedule it in your calendar. I’ve started setting reminders for myself to meditate – as I get so caught up in life I forget to do it!
  21. Embrace and own whatever age you’re turning this year!
  22. Unplug 1 day a week – you can do it! Sundays are great days to unplug (and perhaps the easiest)
  23. Eat breakfast every day
  24. Set yourself some clear goals to aim for throughout the year – be sure to write them down and revisit them every 4 months!
  25. Celebrate the small things and the small wins
  26. Be prepared. From laying out your clothes, meal prepping, to packing your bag the day before, a little planning and preparation goes a long way
  27. Focus on your health and wellbeing – both physically and mentally
  28. Set clear boundaries. This could include not immediately responding to things unless urgent, prioritising family first, taking your breaks, not gossiping, only surrounding yourself with people who life you up, and more.
  29. Incorporate more movement into your days
  30. Go on a regular date night with your partner. If you’re stuck for ideas, brainstorm a list of ‘date night’ ideas for the year
  31. Develop a side hustle – you never know what it could lead to!
  32. Kickstart your savings for the year by ensuring you pay yourself first – even if you transfer as little as $10 a fortnight into your secret savings account
  33. Stop buying takeaway coffee. Imagine the money you will save!
  34. Schedule fun activities throughout the year so you have things to look forward to
  35. End a bad relationship or friendship – they aren’t worth your time, seriously
  36. Surround yourself with positivity and people who lift you up
  37. Revamp your workspace. If you work in an office, clear the clutter, ditch the paper, surround yourself with succulents and beautiful stationary, and add a photo or two to inspire you. You could even have a work VISION BOARD!
  38. Set yourself a challenge. It could be physical, such as jumping out of a plane, or something less … life-threatening, such as speaking at a conference, writing a book, asking for a pay rise or tackling 5 items on this list!
  39. Keep a journal. There’s so many styles! Bullet, travel, gratitude… explore what’s out there, buy yourself a beautiful notebook and pen, and get journaling!
  40. Make it your mission to make someone smile, laugh or give someone a compliment ONCE A WEEK
  41. Join a group, club or team
  42. Clear out your pantry and fridge. Buy yourself some new sealed containers and reorganise with labels according to usage and what goes with what!
  43. Volunteer for a cause close to your heart
  44. Create a self-care ‘survival’ kit for the not-so-good days
  45. Get on top of your life admin. Organise your bills, review your insurances and other expenses, do your taxes on time, cancel subscriptions to mailing lists you don’t need to be signed up to, ‘unlike’ and ‘unfollow’ pages and people you don’t need to be following… you get the picture!
  46. Prioritise quality sleep – because it’s good for your mental and physical health and because you’re no good when you’re tired!
  47. Stop multi-tasking and start focussing on doing one thing at a time! (It is doable!)
  48. Renovate or redecorate your house 
  49. Book yourself in for a pamper session. You could get your hair done, get a manicure or pedicure, or maybe treat yourself to a massage. After all, you deserve it 🙂
  50. Have you been thinking about a sea-change or a tree-change. Perhaps this is the year? A little research won’t hurt!
  51. Declutter your handbag once a week
  52. Finally, perhaps it’s time to find a new job or change careers – if I could do it in my mid-to-late 30’s, than you can too!

And remember, it’s not a race!

In short, you can tackle your life-revamp like a bull in a china shop, or approach it more like the tortoise i.e. slow and steady.

How will you revamp your life in 2019?